Return and Refund Policy
Direct Replacement Warranty and Insurance

The Seller’s liability for goods manufactured by the Seller is limited to making good any defects. This must be done by repairing the defects or, at the Seller’s option, by replacement, within a period not exceeding 12 calendar months after the goods have been dispatched.

If the goods are not manufactured by the Seller, the guarantee of the manufacturer of those goods is accepted by the Buyer and is the only guarantee given to the Buyer for the goods. The Seller agrees to assign to the Buyer on request made by the Buyer the benefit of any warranty or entitlement to the goods that the manufacturer has granted to the Seller under any contract or by implication or operation of law to the extent that the benefit of any warranty or entitlement is assignable.

The Seller is not liable for, and the Buyer releases the Seller from, any claims in respect of faulty or defective design of any goods supplied. This is unless the design has been wholly prepared by the Seller and the responsibility for any claim has been specifically accepted by the Seller in writing.

The Seller’s liability is limited strictly to the replacement of defective parts.

Except as provided in these conditions, all express and implied warranties, guarantees and conditions under statute or general law as to merchantability, description, quality, suitability, or fitness of the goods for any purpose or as to design, assembly, installation, materials, or workmanship or otherwise are expressly excluded. The Seller is not liable for physical or financial injury, loss, or damage or for consequential loss or damage of any kind arising out of the supply, layout, assembly, installation, or operation of the goods or arising out of the Seller’s negligence or in any way.

Cerian Lighting products are all covered by a direct replacement warranty, meaning that a new product will be provided as a replacement if the original fails within the warranty period. The warranty period offered is dependent on the product and will range from 3-5 years.

All Cerian Lighting products are covered under product and public liability insurance for $20 million.

To claim your replacement, return the defective product to the wholesaler you purchased it from with all receipts for purchase and installation. They will send the goods to us for testing, and, if they are found to be defective according to the terms of the warranty, we will replace them.

In this document:

We or us means Cerian Lighting, You or Homeowner means the purchaser of the goods, Supplier refers to the authorised distributor (Electrical Wholesaler) that sold you the goods in Australia; The Goods refers to Cerian Lighting branded products purchased in Australia.
Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law.

You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage.
You are entitled to have the goods replaced if the goods fail to be of an acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. What constitutes a major failure is set out in the Australian Consumer Law.

The costs associated with a claim made against this warranty are the responsibility of the purchaser.

We provide the following warranty against manufacturing defects:

The goods will be free from manufacturer’s defects for a period of three years (unless otherwise stated).

Should the goods fail because of a manufacturer’s defect during the first three years of the date of purchase from the supplier, we will provide a replacement.

If the goods are no longer available or have been superseded by a newer model, the closest possible alternative will be supplied.
A credit may be requested by the supplier if no suitable replacement is available.

To claim this warranty, you will need to return the faulty goods, together with proof of original purchase to the supplier where the goods were purchased from, and we will liaise with the supplier to process your warranty claim.

Please note that the warranty does not cover removal or reinstallation of the product which you believe is defective.

We will inspect the product first. If accepted as a valid warranty claim within the terms described in this document, Cerian Lighting will provide a replacement product. If the claim is rejected, you will be provided will a full explanation, and if requested the goods will be returned at your expense.

Original proof of purchase from Supplier must be provided along with your name, address, contact phone number, email address and certificate of installation or other document for proof of installation by an authorised electrician.

All replaced or substituted goods continue to receive the warranty benefit for the remaining time on the original warranty period.

The warranty against manufacturer’s defects is voided in any of the following circumstances:

The products are NOT installed by a licensed electrician (incorrect installation/operation); or
are not installed according to the instructions provided with the product (This includes but is not limited to incorrect voltage, improper wiring); or
have been subjected to modifications; or
are used in a manner which is not fit for their purpose, subjected to neglect or mistake; or
are physically damaged (such as broken clips, broken body etc); or
have been damaged by power spikes and/or surges; or
have been exposed to adverse external/internal conditions (such as temperatures outside their specified operating temperatures, corrosion, Acts of God; or
have been affected by insect or vermin infestation; or
Flickering resulting from input voltage, frequency, cable connections, dimmers, sensors, or any other accessory/component outside of the Cerian product range; or
are damaged by wear and tear.

We assume no liability for improper use, and we will not be responsible for incidental or consequential damage due to improper use of products.

We will not be liable for any labour costs related to the goods failure. This warranty constitutes the entire guarantee by the Manufacturer.
Cerian Lighting, can at its own sole discretion, change terms and conditions of this policy at any time without notice.

An order may be cancelled by the Buyer at any time up until any of the goods that the subject of the order are dispatched by the Seller and the Seller will issue to the Buyer:

A return authorisation which must be signed by the local area sales manager of the Seller to be valid; A credit note for the price of the goods.

If an order is cancelled by the Buyer after any of the Goods that the subject of the order are dispatched by the Seller, then the Buyer must pay for, or reimburse the Seller for, all carriage and delivery costs to return the Goods to the Seller and the Seller will issue to the Buyer:
a return authorisation which must be signed by the local area sales manager of the Seller to be valid; and a credit note for the Price of the Goods less all carriage and delivery costs.

An order may be altered by the Buyer at any time up until any of the goods that the subject of the order are dispatched by the Seller and such alteration will be deemed to be a request by the Seller to cancel the original order and treated a new order with the price of such goods in the new order being the price of such goods as at the date the Seller accepts new order (which may result in an increase in the price).

If there is a cancellation or alteration of an order, the Seller has the right to be indemnified by the Buyer against all losses suffered by the Seller because of such cancellation.

Warranty Claim Process, Wholesaler authorised distributor that purchased the goods from Cerian Lighting

The Goods refer to Cerian Lighting branded products purchased in Australia.

Customer refers to the person that purchased the goods from you. If a customer reports a defective Cerian Lighting product to you (the supplier), this document outlines how items are replaced and the procedure that Cerian Lighting will follow.

If your customer has reported a defective Cerian Lighting product but they have not returned it yet, please note Cerian Lighting will not provide a replacement without inspecting the product first.

A replacement can be provided at your or the customer’s own cost if immediate replacement is required, and Cerian Lighting will issue a credit to the supplier after the faulty goods have been returned, inspected, and tested.

Please follow the steps below for this case:

Customer advises supplier of faulty fitting and requires replacement immediately.

If customer requires a replacement immediately, the supplier is to create a purchase order to buy the goods. Supplier will be charged at this point for the replacement. Supplier to then raise (Request for Credit) and send request via email.

The (Request for Credit) must contain the original purchase order number or Cerian invoice number, product code or description, quantity of goods, description of fault and price.

Cerian will assess your request and issue a response within five working days via email.

Supplier to return faulty goods within 14 days to Cerian Lighting head office.

Cerian Lighting will inspect and test the goods upon receipt of return.

If the inspection and testing process confirms the product is faulty and meets the Cerian Lighting warranty terms and conditions, a credit will be issued to the supplier based on the original invoice price.

If credit is approved, this will be issued within 20 days and a credit note will be emailed to the supplier.

However, if the inspection and testing discover that the goods are still functioning and/or have been damaged by means not covered in the warranty, no credit will be issued, and you will be advised via email or phone of the testing outcome and reason for why the request has been declined.

If your customer has reported a defective Cerian Lighting product and they have returned these to you and have requested replacements, please follow the steps below:

Customer advises and returns faulty fitting to supplier and replacement/s required.

Customer returns faulty fittings to supplier.

Supplier fills out online request form for replacements from our website,, and submits it to after sales support team. Original purchase order number or Cerian invoice number, product code or description, quantity of goods, description of fault must be included on this form.

Cerian will assess the request and Supplier to return faulty goods within 14 days to Cerian Lighting head office If not returned within 14 days.

Cerian will inspect and test the goods upon receipt of return.

If the inspection and testing process confirms the product is faulty and meets the Cerian Lighting warranty terms and conditions, replacements will be issued to the supplier; if goods are no longer a current product, the closest suitable replacement will be issued.
Replacements will be issued within 20 days to the supplier or to alternative delivery address if supplied in request.

However, if the inspection and testing discover that the goods are still functioning and/or have been damaged by means not covered in the warranty, no replacements will be issued, and you will be advised via email or phone of the testing outcome and the reason why the request has been declined.

Please note:

If you have supplied your customer with replacements from stock on hand before returning the defective units to Cerian Lighting for inspection and testing, be aware that your request for credit on these items could be declined if Cerian deem no fault with the product/s and no credit will be issued.

Returned Goods

Except for any provisions to the contrary contained in these terms and conditions or at law, the Seller is not under any duty or obligation to accept goods returned by the Buyer.

If the Seller agrees to accept returned goods from the Buyer, the Buyer must, at the Buyer’s cost, return the goods undamaged and in their original packaging to the Seller at the Seller’s place of business as set out in the definition of “Seller” in the terms and conditions.

If required by the Seller, the Buyer must pay to the Seller a handling fee of 10% of the price of the returned goods.

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